@pursebop@pusebppicks#I have a question and I need your opinion please?…this LV Trocadéro has been sleeping at the bottom of my swiss closet for many years, in February this year I brought it back and it sleep at the bottom of my Florida closet( until yesterday) I completely forgot I took it back!!?? so I used yesterday and today and I love it again ( I only used to bigger bags now) my question is this.. Do I look like a fool using it??
I am not the type to care of what people think, I don’t follow trends! I am just walking around be myself … But strangely I don’t want people to think I am walking around with an old bag( because it is) this is my first LV purchase, at least 25 years ago!!
- Nicole Anstaett posted 9 years ago
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Girl it’s a fabulous bag! I love that it’s a piece from your past, and please know larger bags are coming back sooner than we all think! Please use what you LOVE and worry less about others :) I have my first LV back pack from 20 years ago that I still adore and use from time to time. Use with great pride. Thank you for sharing!
- Pursebop replied 9 years ago

I also have the same Trocadero but in green Epi leather, that gorgeous green they made at the same time about 25 years or so….( do you remember?) stunning green!!! I bought them around the same time) still in beautiful condition…It’s still sitting in my swiss closet.. I didn’t have any more room in my suitcase …so I guess I can pull it out too? Thank you for making me feel better, I am normally not like that, but you ladies all have newer bags ????????????????????????????❤️