I bought my first designer bag, a Chanel GST, almost 2 years ago. I’ve been dreaming about this bag for so long and I finally decided to treat myself. I thought buying this bag would end all my bag purchases, but I was so wrong. It was just the beginning. Shortly after, I got addicted to Chanel, and now to Hermes! What’s your first designer bag story?
*instagram: amanda_g9
- amanda_g9 posted 9 years ago
- last edited 9 years ago
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my first: the gucci soho disco bag! still weighing out what other brands to branch into
the GST seems like the perfect, can’t go wrong type of bag (besides the slippery slope effect of wanting more chanel lol)
- chloet18 replied 9 years ago
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I love the Gucci Flora Hobo that was my first official designer bag, purchased from Saks on major sale one July. It is still my go to summer bag, and it makes me always nostalgic for Gucci although the I quickly went to Chanel and Hermes land with bags! ??
- Sapphiresandscotch replied 9 years ago
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