Hermès Faubourg Saint-Honoré

Buying a Birkin in Paris is Still Not Easy

Editor Maura Carlin shares her experience with the new appointment system to purchase leather bags at the Hermès mothership in Paris.

Are you there Hermes? It’s me, PurseBop.

PurseBop takes her maiden voyage to the Hermes mothership. A detailed recount of her experience in Paris.

Hermes Bulletin Board #2

PurseBop keeps you up-to-date with the latest happenings in the Hermes world with another Hermes News Bulletin. Discover new bags, pricing information, and other trends.

Spend An Afternoon at Hermès Faubourg Saint-Honoré

Let’s go shopping at Hermès Faubourg Saint-Honoré with BopTalk Celebrity @leorangebliss.
