Hi boppers! First post so here it goes- Do you keep bags you no longer use or sell? I personally find that if I think about selling a bag it’s usually time for the bag to go. If you do sell do you prefer selling on your own or using a consignment store (online or in person)? Have you ever had purse regret after selling or repurchased the same bag? I’d love to hear your stories or opinions!!
- an.anonymous.blonde posted 10 years ago
- last edited 9 years ago
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Hi! I have started to do so! Its very convenient and helps keeping my closet organized. I do it in http://www.therealreal.com. they are very serious and have a group of experts that authenticate the items.
- The WonderlustStyle replied 10 years ago
I really enjoy selling to fashionphile and yoogi’s closet. I haven’t tried the realreal but I’ll give them a look! Thanks for sharing lovely!
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Hi! Yes, I’ve sold a few of my bags. I value quality over quantity and decided to have less but better bags.
I don’t have an unlimited bag fund so this also helps me put money towards new purchases.
Have not suffered from purse regret so far but I only really sell what I know I don’t want anymore or no longer suits my lifestyle.
It is also a great way to get more closet space! :)
- theordinarysusan replied 10 years ago
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I never sold a bag. I usually give new and/or used Birkin bags to my sister – who can very well afford them but chooses to come to me with the I-have-children-to-feed story. HA!
- ChampagneOclock replied 10 years ago
?You absolutely got the whole point, Highheeledtraveller, haha!!!
I just imagine you telling your sister that you want a bag back and she will refuse and you’ll start a fight over it! Haha. Hope this never happens though!
Oh and did you ask your parents about the adoption? :DD hahaha
??they said they’re considering ?and no, my sister and I would never fight over handbags. Dessert, maybe. Never handbags.?
What is there to consider? I’m perfect ? :p hahaha I’ll exchange my dessert for a Birkin :p
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Hi everyone, I’ve sold some bags in the past. The ones I found that I wasn’t using anymore (for example: my Marc By Marc Jacobs Classic Q Hillier). Mostely these are the more “sporty” bags that were in my collection. Nowadays I overthink more before I buy a bag, this means I don’t need to sell them anymore. I love each and everyone in my collection. And I use all of them :-)
- Saarke18 replied 10 years ago
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Folks this is something I really need to do. I have some brand new CHANEL in the box that I went crazy buying last S/S season. I simply feel so guilty having purchased so many colors all at once. I need to learn the best way to sell. It’s hard to give to a consignment that wants to give me only 1/2 of what I paid when bags are brand new ?. I am definitely more selective now, because I have these dreaded REMINDERS in my closet ?
- Pursebop replied 10 years ago
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yes I do. I’m purger generally . . . one in, one out . . . I’ve only regretted it once. Repurchased the bag and never used it. Now it’s gone for good.
- Guest replied 10 years ago
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I do!!! Though there are times I regret selling some especially if I see someone using the same bag ?
- Jackie Lim @jaknoy replied 9 years ago
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