Bags in Switzerland???


Hello ladies!

I have a question: (actually a few questions)

Does anyone know if purchasing bags in Switzerland is worth it?
Are the prices equal as in Europe?
What about the VAT refund? What’s the percentage?
Is it better to buy there or in a EU country?

Help me ladies!


My Instagram account: @someoverainbow

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sorry I can´t help you with your doubts hun, but hopefully someone will ;) good luck! beijão

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Dear, they have a Vat like the rest of Europe and they do refund it at the airport. That is all I know, haven’t done much shopping in Switzerland (other than chocolates)

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My dear I know you would be eligible for the VAT refund for sure. As for the specific price and and whether it is worth it depends on the Brand. What were you hoping to purchase. PerhapsI can help better that way.

  • Thanks for the response my dear! I’ll be in Switzerland for a few days and I’m trying to figure out where to purchase Chanel and Hèrmes (I always do my shopping in Paris, Belgium or Germany though). But since I’m not going to Paris this time and I know Switzerland is not part of the EU and very expensive country. That’s why I’d like to know if the prices there are similar to the US prices (what I can get here) or similar to euro. Does that make sense now? :))) Thank you darling!
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