Biggest Shopping Day is . . . Today


November 11 (or 11/11) is Singles Day in China and the biggest shopping day of the year. Yes, bigger than Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Created in 2009 by Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba (known to many as the Chinese Amazon) as a 24 hours shopping extravaganza with bountiful sales, it was an informal anti-Valentine’s Day to celebrate folks not in relationships (note that November 11 translates to 1111 – all ones).

Reports just in from this year, show Alibaba sales of $38 billion, an increase of 25% over last year. Despite tariff war concerns between the United States and China, many American brands (like Nike, Apple, Estee Lauder, NorthFace etc) remain popular Singles Day buys. Read more at CNN SinglesDaySales

So, for those of you in China, did you buy anything on Singles Day?

Photo courtesy: @lux_atme


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