Delvaux - brilliant or tempete?


Which style do you prefer?

I got all my Delvaux when I was in Tokyo during X’mas last year. The first one I got was the black tempete and the limited edition mini brilliant. Then I went again to purchase my second bag – pink brilliant. I couldn’t resist! Both of them are great to use but the buckle in tempete is a little difficulty to open ( of course, if you don’t close the buckle, it’s much easier). The buckle in brilliant is not as hard to open but I don’t want to push it so hard because I don’t want to ruin the bag >.<.
So, which one would you guys prefer more?

Delvaux is finally opening in Macau next month! I can't wait to go there!

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I love love love the Tempete, but if I would buy a Delvaux (which will certainly happen one day) I would buy the Brilliant first.

It has been on my wish list for about 10 years now and I am really annoyed I didn’t buy it back then!
The prices were so good back then! The regular size was 1850 euro, if I remember properly. Now here in Belgium (where they are produced) they are about 4 400 euro. I always said “one day I’ll buy one” because my BF is not a big fan and he always convinced me to buy another bag instead.
He says that they are for old ladies, but he doesn’t like my Chanel bags either, so what does he know, right? :-p

I think both the Brilliant as the Tempete are timeless and will stay in style forever. absolutely love them!

Anyway, I told myself to not spend a lot of money on any other bag before I get my Kelly bag, so I will just have to wait longer for the Delvaux. Who knows how much they will cost by then? :-p

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My first one.. And I am delighted.

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I am a Brillant lover hands down!!!!! <3 <3 <3

I love your special edition Japan charm, and that black Tempete is sooo classic!! Thank you for sharing!!

  • Debb C.
    Thanks for your comment LeOrgangeBliss!
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wow, tough choice…I must admit when I met Delvaux I fell in love with the Tempete first…but with time I started really loving the Brillant, and now, despite still loving both, if I were to buy a Delvaux, I think I would go with the Brillant first, and later the Tempete. All of your Delvaux babies are so GORGEOUS, thank you for sharing them and your thought on the brand with us :)

  • Debb C.
    Thanks PatiEv for your comment! Yes, It’s a tough choice!
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I forgot to add that Tokyo edition you have is just beyond beautiful. I have always loved it and RED is my favorite color. Have you used it? Is it a mini?

  • Debb C.
    Thank you! Yes, it’s a mini! I haven’t used it yet unfortunately. Since it’s white, I am always afraid I’ll dirty it somehow =(
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Love this thread Debra C, I’m soooo excited to be on the Delvaux wagon! In fact it is the only other brand that really speaks to me other than my first love Chanel, and my recent obsession with Hermes.

I do not yet own the Tempete but am seriously considering one for fall. The Brillant I absolutely love although I do understand and relate to your buckle closure concerns. In the stiffer leathers such as my box leather it’s going to take time to soften the buckle leather. Mine is still stiff ? but because it’s more of a novelty style I have not used it as much as I would normally.

Can you share more about the Tempete closure and why it’s hard? I would really like to know before I spend 7-8K on it. Which do you like using more?

Have you seen fall colors I shared on the blog?

Looking forward to your reply ??

  • Debb C.
    Hi pursebop! Thank you so much for your comment! I love your black brilliant! Wanted to get one myself but there’s no store near me until the end of this month! The first thing that caught my eye was the buckle in tempete. So when I went to Tokyo, I HAD to go in Delvaux to get one myself. Well, the buckle is to hold the bag into shape. You can still open your bag without opening the buckle. however, it kinda limits the opening. (Reference: You can still get your things unless you want to get something big from your bag. If you really need to open the buckle, that’s when the trouble happens. It gets stuck everytime I tried to open the buckle (maybe it’s me, I’m clumpsy like that). It takes me forever to release the buckle. Though, closing it is much quicker~ So I tried not to open it unless I really have to. (i hope it makes sense?) If you ask me, both have their pros and cons BUT i must admit, I still love the tempete buckle! Need to sacrifice for pretty bags! :P Yes, I have seen the fall color blog! LOVE THE COLOR!!! I’m not a “pink” person but I def. love the hot pink! & the bluuueeee.. I can’t wait to get a new one!
  • LeOrangeBliss
    Ahh pursebop my fellow Delvaux lover!! I too have only been enamored with this brand other than Hermes (well, Chanel not yet for me :D ) Debra, very interesting to hear your thoughts about the Tempete hardware… I had presumed it would be easier to open/close compared to the Brillant, but my friend @bycamelia who has many of both has also said that the Tempete is harder for her to open/close as well! I do not own one yet so I can’t speak for it, but I did consider getting one for the FW15 collection as well. I may have to stick to the Brillant, I am confused now.
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Brilliant ?

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