Does anyone know the history behind the Hèrmes Evelyne bag?
What was that bag used for? It was named after who?
Evelyne is pretty popular but we only talk about B, K and GT here.
I’m curious about it since I love my pretty bag and I haven’t seen any discussion about her lately.
Feel free to share your Evelyne shots too! I want to hear how you love your bag as well!
@someoverainbow ?
- posted 9 years ago
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I’d also like to know more about it, I have 2 one in a shade of blue and another in Etain but both are TPM. What I know about the evelyne is the dotted side is to be worn on the body side and shouldn’t be showing. Good luck with more answers ??
- Fashion & Fitness Blog replied 9 years ago
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Love your thread idea, yes lets give our Eve’ys a little LOVE ?
- Pursebop replied 9 years ago
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