Hermes: “Expensive doesn’t equal luxury...Luxury equals rarity”


The Washington Post ran a story recently about the new CityCenterDC Hermes boutique and the way the company is redefining luxury: by refraining from the seduction of frivolity and false connectivity. What are your thoughts on this strategy? And who has been to the new store?! Tell us about it!

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One naturally follows the other. I love styledguy’s boldness…there’s appeal/satisfaction in the sticker price along with the quality and rareness.

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I make StyledGuy´s word mine!!! He beautifully explained that luxury is equal expensive… :)
Pursebop, that Anemone Kelly just gets more and more amazing!!! And, excited to take a peek inside that orange box ;)

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Wonderful post! Thanks for the pics Pursebop :)

I disagree with “luxury equals rarity not expensive” all these modest statements annoy me. There is simply no need for them. I bought a cashmere coat from Hermes that cost more than a Birkin and there is nothing rare about it lol yet it is one of the most luxurious coats I’ve ever seen/owned. I think the meaning of luxury varies.. depending on the object, person, etc. but one thing remains the same: $£€$£€

They can try and downplay that money is not luxury but let’s be real here, no need to be modest.. you can’t get more luxurious than a $180k Crocodile diamond paved Birkin? Someone could easily make a fake embossed croc and crystal studded Birkin at a fraction of the cost but without the REAL materials and craftsmanship it’s worthless and not luxurious. Which is why I believe money(real crocodile, real diamonds, true craftsmanship) = true luxury.

  • PatiEv
    AGREED!!! beautifully explained how luxury = expensive!!!
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A great article, a fashion house that will stand the test of time … Becoming more desirable each day.

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