Hermes US vs Europe pricing... NOT FAIR


The recent price comparisons of US vs. Europe Hermes pricing really concern me. The thought of spending an extra $5K on a Birkin here at home really has me in a tizzy. I am really feeling the pain :(
I mean come on, 5K is the cost of a Chanel jumbo??? I really don’t know how H will manage this great a disparity in pricing. Any ideas or thoughts on the subject?

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Of course it’s a personal blow to my ego and my wallet, but I can respect where Hermes is coming from as a brand so I’m sympathetic to them keeping the prices lower in Europe.

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Let’s discuss this more. I LOVE Chanel but am hurt by price increases here in Europe. I don’t want to be sympathetic to Hermes, but feel I am.

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as unfair as it may seem, at least H isn´t increasing prices somewhere to lower it elsewhere LOL (laughing not to cry)… since everything has a positive side, we now have a VERY convincing excuse for traveling to Paris hahaha

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I personally agree 100% with StyleInTheCity!!!

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$10k+ for a Birkin has always been pushing it for me…After seeing the price differences, it’s even more not worth it to me.

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In a devil advocates way, I feel like Hermes can manage the price disparity just fine. Yes, Hermes has great, high quality bags but let’s not forget most of the appeal is the exclusivity. I am not saying we should be happy to suffer higher prices in the US, but knowing your hermes bag has worth by its look and status is more important

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NOT happy about the price disparity. Seeing the difference on the chart sets me off even more! Even though I cant benefit from the low european prices here, Im glad Hermes isnt following chanel. Best move is to not alienate the domestic consumer base, and stay true to brand roots. All that being said, still not sure a trip to paris will be on my agenda anytime soon!

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