How Do I Connect With a Chanel SA, Get Popular Bags, and Stay Informed



Hi! Love your Instagram! I am new to the luxury purse market. I just bought my first Chanel on a trip to New York. I had a great experience but I was very nervous and intimidated. I never asked for the SAs contact information. I guess I’m just curious how do you get a SA and how does it work? Communicating with them etc.? Can you ask for hard to get bags? Do they usually know which ones are going to be most popular? I’m from the Midwest so Chicago would probably be the closest store and I also travel to LA quite a bit. Not sure if people can share their SAs information if permission was given? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Dear New to the Luxury Purse Life,
Congratulations on purchasing your first Chanel bag. I am sure you are going to enjoy using it.
With respect to connecting with a Chanel SA, it is easiest to visit a Chanel boutique near where you live, if possible. Then you can get to know the SA in person, ask questions, ask for their contact information, and how best to go about asking for upcoming products that will be launched in the upcoming seasons. Chanel has 6 seasons each year where they release new products, bags, rtw, accessories, and shoes.
Most SA’s prefer to be contacted via text on their work cell phone. You can request an appointment, inquire about bags or other products you are interested in, and ask questions by texting your SA.
Chanel has been changing its rules and requirements and we have it all detailed in our articles which are linked below. Many people will share their SA’s name and number and usually their SA appreciates having more clients. Your SA will let you know whether they can get you a particular product, or if they can ship it to you.
There are new restrictions on shipping bags so it may be best to work with an SA in person in the location you prefer. Chanel has also instituted restrictions on how many bags, small leather goods, and jewelry you may purchase per year.
Read our articles linked below and if you still have unanswered questions, please let us know here.


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