Is It Possible to Get a Quota Bag in Nice, France With No Pre-Spend?



Hi PurseBop, love your posts and all the information on Instagram. After reading your posts about scoring a bag at FSH, I was lucky enough to get my first quota bag in Paris in April. Just a question in Nice, France, is it possible to get a quota bag without pre-spend? Thank you
Dear Shopper in Nice, France:
Congratulations on scoring a bag at FSH. It is getting much more difficult to score a bag in Paris than in the past. When shopping in Nice, France it is important to be aware that each boutique is independently operated meaning the Store Director can set the rules that work for their location.
Most locations around the world do require a pre-spend before being offered a quota bag. There are always exceptions and we have heard of people being offered a quota bag without a pre-spend, but this is rare. Our best advice is to visit the boutique, talk with the SA and decide what to do. It can be a lot of luck, good timing, and a good rapport with a sales associate that gets you a quota bag. Or sometimes, if you make a few purchases with one SA in a location such as Nice, they will review your profile in France and could offer you a bag. It is always worth a try.
Good luck and happy shopping.
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