Why Did Hermès Cancel My Appointment When I Am Trying To Start My Hermès Journey?


Dear PurseBop:

I am starting my journey with Hermès. I made an appointment and it was canceled by them 1.5 hrs before the scheduled time. They said they would reach back out and I haven’t heard back. Should I try again? Do you think this is a test? I would say I’m in a mid-tier market city. Thank you!

Dear New Hermès Customer:

There are many reasons Hermès may have canceled your appointment having nothing to do with you personally. It is likely that there were not enough available Sales Associates to accommodate another customer that day due to vacation schedules or SA’s calling in sick. You should definitely try again and make a new appointment. 

The demand for Hermès products has skyrocketed in recent years. And the inventory has decreased due to the challenges experienced during the worldwide Pandemic. SAs work extremely hard to satisfy everyone’s desires, but unfortunately it is not always possible.

Our recommendation is to make another appointment and start your journey enjoying everything Hermès has to offer. Alternatively, you could walk into your home boutique without an appointment and wait for a Sales Associate to become available. If you connect with the Sales Associate, whether by an appointment or as a walk in, continue to work with that SA on all future visits to the boutique. Build the relationship with a SA and your Hermès journey is likely to be enjoyable and fulfilling.

Good luck and happy shopping.


The Hermes Ultimate Guide: 7 Steps to Achieve Your Goals

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