ULTIMATE Spring Fling With BLING

It isn’t a secret that PurseBop has been trying her hand at some extensive gardening the last few years and that her name has become synonymous with curious shots of bags in plants.

There is something surreal about the joy of watching the blossoms of a plant placed in the ground by ones own hands actually bloom and flower.  The laborious act of Spring plantings brings rewards for months, and it’s these little cherished moments that perhaps no one can understand but the hands of the gardener. My morning usually begins with that first stroll through my backyard with eyes searching for the nights little wonders of fresh blooms. My evening ends with that quick visit again to make sure all my flower babies are happy.

Last Sunday while tying up my clematis to the trellis in the garden, a PurseBop moment came flooding to my mind …about this time, a couple of years ago, I photographed my holy grail Chanel in this very plant on an early Sunday Spring morning…




 2My never ending love affair with blingy bags began with the 12P Chanel Sparkle Beauty Bag…

All this recent garden work has made me a bit nostalgic, and I was inspired to capture a few more ‘blingy’ shots amidst the spring blooms… indulge me.





I am going to call this next image “Here Comes the Bride…”  and ‘she’ may be my personal favorite of all.  I continue to experiment with my photography, the lighting, angles, composition… and there is no better subject than this sparkling smiling bride…


I must confess, there was one more reason for this walk down memory lane, and it has to do with a pending reveal originally introduced in Las Vegas by this post @PurseBop #whatsintheBIRKIN


The unveiled #MysteryChanel in my B was completely inspired by the obsession of my first Sparkle Beauty Bag (hint hint)… stay tuned!

Love PurseBop

Published: June 4th, 2014
Updated: May 19th, 2017

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