What’s your Favorite Hard(ware) for your Hermès bags?


Hard (ware) choices on bags!

When it comes to choosing a bag, we are not only faced with choices between different bag styles, colors, leather, sizes but also hardware. The task can be fun for some and intimidating for others.

I thought it would be fun and interesting to start a conversation amongst our handbag loving community regarding what drives your hardware choices on your bag?
The hardware options are numerous sometimes making a simple task overwhelming. So which to choose amongst the following hardware choices? – silver, ruthenium, so black, gold, brushed gold, rose gold, palladium, brushed palladium… the list goes on and our capacity to process information reduces in the face of unlimited possibilities! Research shows too many choices can actually be debilitating for people.

Most of us use different heuristics to make our final hardware choice. Below, I list down some of the reasons used by my friends and I after a recent conversation on one of my IG post. This list is not exhaustive by any means so I would love for you to add more:
1. Certain hardware go better with certain colors
2. Culture and traditions
3. Hardware to match jewelry
4. ‘Tried this, tried that, this one works so am sticking to this’ attitude!

No matter what your choice of hardware is we can all agree it can totally change the look of a bag! But more importantly, there’s no right or wrong answer! Choose what fits your lifestyle and aesthetics not what others think is right. No one walks the path you do. That makes you unique and special so why shouldn’t your choices in life be the same?

For me variety is always the key… having a mix is always a great idea! So friends, experiment a little, laugh a lot and live life king size ❤❤

Love always,


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