What goes up, doesn’t come down, at least when it comes to the cost of luxury handbags. Surely, we are all wishing we could snag that perfect bag at pre increase prices.
That’s even more true when it comes to certain Chanel handbags. After all, we’ve seen the retail price of Chanel classic flaps rise nearly 25% in the last year alone.
Now, if you missed buying before the last spike on July 1, 2021, all is not lost. You may not find a bargain at your boutique, but there are other options.
What we’ve done today is scout one of our favorite reseller sites FASHIONPHILE for bags that have been discounted — that’s right not increased but have actually been discounted – by up to 30%. To boot, these beauties are in brand new or near new condition.
Sounds too good to be true, right!?
Let’s break this down for you… essentially many of the bags you’ll see below were listed to the FASHIONPHILE site prior to the two 2021 price increases. As a result, the SALE prices take them to below retail prices. Yes!!! You might just find yourself with a coveted colored brand new Chanel classic flap at 2020 prices. Now that’s a deal!
While we were at it, we scouted the site for some Hermès and Louis Vuitton goodies too!
Go ahead, click through below and see for yourself! And don’t forget to keep the new Chanel price charts here, right besides you for you to compare for yourself.
Be sure to tell us what else you found in the FASHIONPHILE SALE section!

LOUIS VUITTON Calfskin Monogram Teddy Neverfull MM Black

LOUIS VUITTON Monogram Tufted X UF Speedy Bandouliere 25 White Black

LOUIS VUITTON Reverse Monogram Vanity PM

LOUIS VUITTON PVC Monogram Christopher Backpack GM Iridescent Prism

LOUIS VUITTON Game On Speedy Bandouliere 25 White
Looking for more… check out the full discounted FASHIONPHILE SALE section!
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Updated: August 7th, 2021