Are More Senior SA's Able To Offer More Birkins and Kellys to their Clients?


Dear PurseBop:

Are more senior SAs (ones who have been with Hermes longer) able to offer more Birkins and Kellys to their clients?

Dear Inquirer About Senior SA’s:

Although it may seem like senior SA’s who have worked at Hermès for a long time are able to offer more Birkins or Kellys to their clients than SA’s who may not be as senior, this is not likely to be true. Senior SA’s have more established, long term clients who have been shopping with them for decades and are on a different level than newer customers. An SA who has not worked at Hermès as long does not have long established relationships with their clients. Nevertheless, they are able to offer their clients quota and non quota bags to the extent the inventory exists.

There are pros and cons to working with a senior SA and with working with a newer SA. A senior SA may have many long term clients and may not have sufficient time to give you the attention you desire, or it may be more difficult to get an appointment with them as often as you desire.  A newer SA with fewer established clients will have more time for you be able to provide more individualized attention. The important thing is that you feel comfortable with your SA and enjoy shopping with them. This will help you establish the relationship that will benefit both of you.

The reality seems to be that a customer who is loyal, shops with one SA consistently, buys products they love from various areas throughout the store, thereby showing their love of the brand, is more likely to be offered a quota bag or other popular non quota bag regardless of how long their SA has been working at that location.

Good luck and happy shopping.


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