How Do I Get Invited to the New Hermès Store Opening in my Neighborhood?



Dear PurseBop: A new Hermes store will be opening in my neighborhood next fall, 2023 in Princeton, NJ. I was wondering how I can get invited to the opening. I do not want to ask my current SA because I don’t want her to think I am not loyal to her. Thank you. 

Dear Get Me Invited:

It is our understanding that invites to new store openings at Hermès are determined by the corporate office. It is not readily known how that list is generated, or if the stores in close proximity have any input into the guest list. You could try talking to the store director or manager at the location you shop with presently. Let them know that you do not want to seem disloyal to your present SA, but the new boutique is closer to your home so it may be more convenient. It is ok to ask if you could be invited to the new store opening. If you don’t ask in advance, it may be too late once the invitations are sent.

However, be aware that if you change locations and start shopping with a new SA, your personal profile history with Hermès would remain intact, but your personal spend history with the new SA would begin from scratch and you would have to start building a relationship with the new SA. Although it is possible (and even likely) that the new store will consider your prior spend history when offering a quota bag, be mindful that the goal will now be to transfer your loyalty to the new SA in the new location.


How to Build a Successful and Gratifying Relationship with  Hermès

The Ultimate Hermès Guide: 7 Steps to Reach Your Goals

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