What Are Ideas For Treats To Bring For Hermès SA's All Year Long?


Dear PurseBop:

What are some treats we can bring for the SAs? I know they have to be for the whole store…

Dear Treats:

It is a good idea to bring treats for your SA all year round, not just in December as most people tend to do. Bringing treats near Valentine’s Day in February, or the spring holidays, and again in the summer and fall is a fun idea that can offer other choices related to the time of year. 

Some ideas of what to bring your SA as a treat to be shared with the other SA’s, are cookies, cupcakes, candy, fruit assortment, charcuterie board, cheese and cracker assortment, wine or champagne, both alcoholic and nonalcoholic.

 It is fun to be creative and come up with new ideas as well. Something like vintage candy can be fun, or a treat from a local bakery that sells specialized treats such as macarons or other specialty dessert choices. 

Have fun and happy shopping.


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