What Would Be An Appropriate Gift to Thank My Hermès SA?

Dear PurseBop:
What would be an appropriate gift to thank my SA (him)? Big thank you
Dear Gift Giver:
This question is a good reminder that gifting your SA any time of the year (not just during the December holidays) is always a good idea.
An appropriate gift for a SA at Hermès is anything that can be consumed such as food or beverage items. Hermès has strict rules about what the SA’s may accept as gifts.
The gift must be able to be consumed by the SA and shared with other SA’s. It can be wine, champagne or other non-alcoholic beverage. It can also be cookies, cupcakes, other desserts, cheese plate, charcuterie platter, basket containing various food items such as nuts, cheese, crackers, teas, etc. 
Another idea to bring some form of lunch food that can be shared. Small sandwiches, a variety of sushi items, varying containers of appetizer foods that can be shared, fun snacks that are both healthy and fun.
If there is a specialty food store in your area that is unique or different, this is often appreciated. Specialty markets such as Erewhon or Eataly or similar places often have interesting food choices that may delight. 
You may be creative just remember it will be shared among the store SA’s. It is not necessary to bring enough to feed the entire store, just an amount appropriate for several people to share.
With respect to SA’s in other luxury boutiques, first determine if there are any restrictions of what you may gift. Bringing your favorite SA lunch one day is always an unexpected surprise especially if you know what their favorite lunch spot in the area may be. Also, a gift card for coffee or other location would be appreciated. Or a special treat could be a spa service or manicure/pedicure.
Good luck and happy shopping.
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