Let’s create a place to ask/answer handbag related questions.
This is how this will work….
We want you to feel comfortable sharing your handbag related questions here and more importantly help each other answer them. If you see a question you can chime in on, please do. Our community has a wealth of knowledge and it’s always helpful to hear different suggestions/advice.
So ask & answer. Add you pictures for visual inspiration too :)
For inspiration read here: https://www.pursebop.com/ask-pursebop-anything/
I’m excited to try this out folks ?
Love PurseBop
- Pursebop posted 9 years ago
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I have read all the many stories about the flagship store in Paris, the waiting in line, the appointments etc. Is this the same routine at every flagship store? I will be going to the one in Miami soon and just want to know what the protocol is.
Thank you
- suziez replied 9 years ago
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