PurseBops in France: Let's talk about TRAVEL & SHOPPING


PurseBop here, and as many of you are following, I have been on a whirlwind trip to Côte d’Azur. We rented a gorgeous 5 bedroom villa in Saint Tropez & visited many neighboring cities ??

Shopping was paramount although we did not spend nearly enough time in my personal opinion. None the less, we did plenty of damage & as exciting as that is their are many things to consider when shopping overseas ?

I have been asked/emailed many many questions pertaining to my experience and strategy.

I would like to start a dedicated place we can consolidate our questions/answers/experiences so that we may each learn from one another ?.

I am in transit today but please start jotting down your thoughts or questions here pertaining to anything I have shared on my IG @pursebop ‘ & hashtag #pursebopsinFRANCE.

Looking forward to sharing all ? but I still don’t want to leave ???
Truly feel blessed to have had such a beautiful experience ☺️?


Part 1 just published https://www.pursebop.com/shopping-adventures-in-france/

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Lovely PurseBop! I am so enjoying all the reveals from France, so so exciting, I feel like I was a part of the trip myself LOL! I am planning a trip myself for next summer and wondered if you could ask a few questions? :-

1) Where did you stay?
2) How long would you recommend to stay for?
3) What places would you say are a ‘must visit’?
4) How did you get around, did you rent a car etc?

Really looking forward to chatting!

  • Pursebop

    Just popped in during my layover to my destination. I look forward to sharing all, let me get back to you once I each my destination ✈️

  • emilyrosie

    Lovely, really looking forward to it!

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Do you have a discussion on the prices of the Hermes Evelyns’, comparison of France vs Us? Tia

  • Pursebop

    Actually I have not but thats great idea. Let me see what I can find out for you dear..

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I believe someone, aka Pursebop, still has many reveals to share hehe how excitiiiinggggg!!!

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So the first major conclusion drawn from Chapter One: https://www.pursebop.com/chapter-1-hermes-versus-chanel-prices-in-the-us-and-france/

IS BUY YOUR H BAGS IN EUROPE, LOL ~ although none were available when we went :(
THEREFORE SEPT is not a good month for H shopping in France.

Birkin in the US: $11,900 + $1,220 (tax 10.25%) = $13,120 total
Birkin in Europe: €7,400 – €740 (VAT refund 10%) = €6,600 = $7,464 total
What she could have saved: $13, 120 – $7,464 = $5,656

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Have I missed your Dior reveal?

  • Pursebop

    no love, not yet!
    I will be sharing all 4 of my fellow fashionistas indulgences inter spaced with my own! So lots of reveal work yet to do!

  • Witty_and_chic

    Can’t wait?

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still waiting for the many reveals . . . . ;) dying to know what was in all of those boxes

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This is very exciting. I can’t wait to see all of your special finds. I would also love to read about the process on getting the VAT returned. I will be going to London in a couple of weeks and would love to know how it works.

  • Pursebop

    Thanks for joining us Abtall2 :)
    I can surely explain in detail, what specifically did you want to know?

  • Abtall2

    That would be great, thank you! Are there specific retailers that you have to go to? Is there anything you have to get from the retailer? What do you need once you get to the airport? Do you receive the VAT in cash? Any details would be appreciated!

  • Pursebop

    I think you have inspired me to do a VAT story for the blog :)

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Oh wow!!! Amazing! Shopping in Europe has so many benefits. I was in NY for Fashion Week and did some damage my self but no tax return unfortunately

  • Pursebop

    Amazing finds, just LOVE all your picks! It’s unfortunate that we don’t have the VAT system here. Up until a couple of years ago Canada had it, but now they have stopped it also. It really helps out on these larger ticket items.

    That mosaic mini is TDF, more pictures please!

  • PatiEv

    OMG The WonderlustStyle!!! Dying here with your purchases!!! 100% eyecandy and heartattack material!!!! Loved it all!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

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Yes, I am so looking forward to your reveal and everything that you experienced!! Aren’t the prices just super insanely lower?! It’s really irritating bc I want to support the local economy, but it’s such a significant difference for leather and fine jewelry that a plane ticket is literally worth it. And yes, please share the customs experience for everyone. Mine is rather limited, although it was a younger woman my husband got in line last time and she really eyed him over big time with his bags. ?? and dying to hear Mr. PurseBops story, too!!! ❤️?

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do you travel with empty suitcases on the way to your destination?

  • Pursebop

    I did take one empty ‘not so fancy’ Samsonite carry on with us. I particularly selected it because I knew from my return from India that a K32, B30 or anything smaller in Hermes would fit. I was successful at carrying my B25 box in tact home in that carry on. The B25 box and K32 box is the same size. I had hoped I would score an H bag & knew I likely wouldn’t buy another B35. So I thought I was safe :0

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Dear pursebop, how did get get all those lovely orange boxes and bags home? Any trouble with customs?

  • Pursebop

    Fortunately no issues, but one of our friends did run into some. I plan on addressing this in greater detail in an upcoming post Babsy .

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