PurseBop's Hermes Reveal of "miss BopTalk" : Ask me Anything ?⁉️


Good morning my beautiful friends,

Today marks a special day in my handbag journal. I just published Part I of my reveal story of the Hermes treasure I have named ‘miss BopTalk’.

Part I: The Hermes Reveal of Miss BopTalk

It’s a special gift from Mr.PurseBop to mark this new PurseBop chapter called ‘BopTalk’ that many of you are already enjoying.
I am so delighted to see so many new and familiar faces here. I will link hubby’s note here in case you missed it ? https://www.pursebop.com/boptalk/topic/ode-to-pursebop

I am excited to talk to you, ask me anything about my personal Hermes experiences (I’ll share what I know although I am not an expert… but will try ☺️). Ask me anything about BopTalk ?, I’ll do my best to answer… or simply just drop by to say hello and share my excitement ?

I will REVEAL ‘missBopTalk’ in all her glory in Part II this weekend, promise ?
Picture is of HER heading to Canada last weekend for the REVEAL photo shoot ?‼️

Love PurseBop

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my question is about Miss Boptalk: Are you going to sleep hugging her every night??? I would hahahahaha LOL!!!! ;)

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I posted in the intro thread that I’ll be in Paris. My question is how should I present myself to an SA. I have had issues in the past where I’ve been all done up in designer clothes and have been scoffed at or looked at as if I have 3 heads for asking about birkins. I’ve been to Hermes stores across the country, Nyc, philly, Miami, la, Vegas. The only store that ever offered me anything was LA and I was dressed in workout clothes because I had just finished doing Runyon. I’ve dressed up and down and with no luck haven’t really met a friendly SA. I’m young and I feel as if they don’t take my inquiry seriously. I’ve even had a manager tell me that birkins are for a certain “type” of clientele and that I should “save my money for my college tuition” even though I manage a highly successful company. I’m not sure if any one else has had these experiences but if someone could give advice I’ll be in Paris and hopefully will purchase a birkin. Help! Haha

  • Pursebop
    I’m sorry you are having such a hard time ;( I think what you need to do is really take one SA into trust and build a relationship so they are aware of your likes/dislikes, your style, preferences etc. I am not a long time Hermes collector so I can only offer you what I have done and that is to invest in getting to know one SA. I am hopeful that your experience will change. Your age, or the way you dress will not and should not make a difference. I do know that walk ins are unlikely going to get offered the very difficult to purchase items. Once you have developed a relationship these thoughts should never re-enter you mind. Even if you are not near an Hermes location, find one store that you visit the most and introduce yourself and your Hermes aspirations and I am confident you will be successful over time. I hope this helps. As for Paris, I myself have not purchased a bag there so not completely sure of the process. I do know that one waits in lines to ultimately meet a SA that helps and on subsequent visits you try to request the same SA. One of our fellow boppers was just in Paris and scored. I will link her reveal here and she goes through her process and ultimate successful hunt :) https://www.pursebop.com/boptalk/topic/stepping-off-the-pursebop-jet-from-paris-reveal
  • LeOrangeBliss
    Wow Jamie I cannot believe the comment of that manager!!!! Talk about rude!!!! I am shocked…. and so disappointed :(
  • PatiEv
    Noooooooo, the manager did NOT talk like that to you!!!! Who does she/he think she/he is??? UGH! If it happened to me she/he would receive a very impolite reply (while I mentally broke the idiot´s nose LOL)!!! But honestly, I think this is one of the reasons I´ve never even had the courage to go inside an H store to take a look, I fear being measured from head to toe, and I just can´t stand people who do that (and the fact that I wouldn´t be buying anything anyways hahaha). Hope you have better luck next time and meet a sweet and helpful SA who will help you with your wishes :) don´t give up, I´m sure you´ll get your Birkin or any other bag that you want :)
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Hi sweetie!! Sorry I’m a bit behind n slow , as u know my Newton here is super slow n sometimes it’s super fast , n luckily for few days it’s been okay. So I Tuk this golden opportunity to drop by n say Hello! & OMG I just can’t wait to see ur new H addition! Mr Pursebop did well ☺️?? ur pictures are all so pretty n beautiful n u work so hard …..& I’m super proud of u to see how far uve come. And I’m with u all the way !! Cheers to u n congratulations on ur new Hermes. ??????

  • Geminiigirl__18__
    Sorry I meant Network*
  • Pursebop
    your sweet words of encouragements warm my heart my dear, loved that you stopped by to say hello :) and hope you are enjoying the cooler weather where you are. I managed to complete my H reveal and finally posted ? A new H is definately a great way to celebrate ? XO my sweets ?
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So excited for the reveal of your new beauty :) can´t wait to see her ;)

  • Pursebop
    Finally revealed :)
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I love how Mr PurseBop is making an appearance in your stories now! It is always lovely to have a beautiful memory attached to a bag so that every time you use it you can be reminded of it. Can I make a guess? Bambou Kelly 32 GHW?

  • Pursebop
    Hello beautiful, yes a special memory attached to a beautiful baggie makes the whole experience so much sweeter ☺️ I still tow my LV briefcase that he gave me many years ago to meetings. I still use my high school graduation LV backpack that Kongo has been seen sporting… I have an adorable Versace leopard miniauderie that we bought in Italy, an ancient Bally bright turquoise lambskin from London, and one of my favorites is my first Chanel flap in metallic gold that we bought at Neimans 10 years ago. There are dozens in between, but I love creating an experience around everything. I am bit nerdy that way I guess ☺️ Mr. PurseBop may not like to be in the limelight, but he’s the best support a woman could ask for. He has always encouraged my career/passions. I’ll share a crazy story with you. About 7-8 years ago I became obsessed with salsa dancing. I mean totally obsessed, private lessons and all! There were a few of us from our close circle of friends that were all into it. Somehow my dance teacher convinced me to enter a competition, so I did. All this new found passion for salsa dancing required practice, and practice at clubs that had salsa nights. Let me clarify, Mr. PurseBop is not a dancer at all ?? but somehow we got him taking lessons too. Leaving his office on weeknights and coming straight to dance practices to prepare for a competition. Till this day he tells the story of how I made him buy mens dancing shoes for $200 that he only wore to enter a competition. Then he proudly tells everyone that he came third (but third out of three contestants in his division), LOL. The point I am making is, he has done some way out of character crazy things just for me. Neither of us are dancing anymore, but those precious memories remain & his souvenier salsa shoes. Sorry for the long tangent ?. Bambou K or B is def on my wish list ?, but that dream has not come true yet.. I have considered a Bambou Jypsiere just to get a slice of that delicious green, but not sure how much utility I would get from that style. Let’s put it this way, Bambou or what I got are two of my favorite colors of recent times ? I will forever love your picture of the green K on that elephant ?. That Stylish Sheba shot is well documented here on the pages of PurseBop! XO
  • Stylish Sheba
    I completely agree with your sentimentality about your bags. I still have my very first designer handbag that is splattered with neon yellow paint from when I took it to see a ping pong show in Thailand. I don’t want to know where exactly the paint came from, but I won’t ever part with it! That was such a funny story to read about Mr PurseBop in his extremely expensive dance shoes twirling his way to a third place victory. Husbands really are wonderfully understanding about our obsessions. Mine always makes me laugh when he is in Hermes with his Instagram account open showing the SAs other fashionistas latest pics and talking about Kelly Cuts and the new seasons colors. I thought you might have been going to be my bag twin, but it is obviously not to be this time around. My second guess is Rose Jaipur… although I know I will probably see Part II of the unveiling soon which will finally end the suspense!
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Why am I so emotional?!! ??? this is supposed to be a happy story. OMG Mr. PurseBop is just the cutest ❤️ You deserve not only new orange boxes, but all the love, happiness and success in all your endeavors. Best wishes to you on BopTalk and an even greater expansion the site. Thank you for giving us all such a fun and welcoming place to talk handbags. May MissBopTalk join you in wonderful adventures only your heart can dream of. Congratulations & we love you PurseBop!!! ? xoxox

  • Pursebop
    Sweetheart you have been on board right from the start and taken these first few baby steps with me ?? It’s such a wonderful rewarding feeling to see fashionistas come together on this platform and share their passions with one another. Keep bringing your radiant positive energy to the pages of BopTalk… Your warm words are making me tear & I luv u right back ?? XO
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Mr. PurseBop and yourself are just the sweetest. I finished reading part one and it was full of excitement- gave me a second hand rush! Some parts truly had me laughing like “I’m sure he was selfishly relieved too, LOL else it was going to be a looonnnggg night.” I can really relate to that? You sure know how to make your readers feel like they were along with you on the journey and I love that :) Congratulations on the new ? I can’t wait for the second part of your reveal.

  • Pursebop
    awww thanks StyledGuy, Hermes really is a rush and like anything special, so much more enjoyable when shared with a loved one. The part that made you laugh is probably more what drove him to ‘getting there’ before 6 than anything else. It would have been a very lonnnnngggg weekend otherwise, and I don’t mean like this one, LOL I would like to thank you for your fabulous contributions here at BopTalk, you really are one of our star boppers :) It’s very exciting to see our community grow here and it has much to do with fashionistas like you… ? As for Part 2, it’s a work in progress, LOL
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Oh I am so excited!!!!

  • Pursebop
    thank you beautiful ☺️ I am too, hehe.. stay close XO
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Pursebop!!just finished reading your amazing part 1 adventure! Loved it! I felt like I was right there with you… The adrenaline pumping and squeal of excitement! I am so happy you were able to share this moment with your awesome hubby! And congrats again on Boptalk and wishing you much more success! One question: which kelly do you love more or is more “you” ? The noir or your new beauty? Xoxo

  • Pursebop
    Hello fellow bag lover and friend.. So did I giveaway in my story that it’s a KELLY, LOL? ? I’m delighted to hear that I was able to convey my level of excitement, this whole H journey has my tummy in new knots of adventure. It’s all relatively fresh to me but I am a quick learner and it’s so nice that such wonderful people are in our PurseBop community to teach us and share. Hubby and I have our moments ❤️, he really is a great man and I am a very lucky lady. He has always supported my dreams/career/passions. I feel very fortunate ?. Now as for your KELLY question, how about I come back to it to answer after part II, LOL ?. I do LOVE miss NOIR and I do LOVE miss BopTalk, differently… Thank you for sharing my adventure and I look forward to many great conversations with you here on BopTalk :) XO
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congratulations!! your reveals are always amazing! i can’t wait to see HER!!!

Mr. PurseBop is so sweet and supportive!

  • Pursebop
    Yes, indeed I am a lucky lady! It’s fun doing a reveal, it’s been a while, ? thank you jaclynchew, and just love that you are bopping along with us! XO
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Wow.. Congratulations!!!As always you commend my attention in reading your excellent article! It is a true love story between you and Mr. Pursebop and can’t wait to see your reveal..?

  • Pursebop
    You are always so kind dear thereal_mrsforde. Thank you, I really just shared the true story. Many bags may come and go, but this one will hold a special place in my heart. I am a lucky girl to have someone so supportive and loving by my side. He has always given me wings to fly :) XO
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Hello my lovely!! Can not wait ?

  • Pursebop
    I am equally excited to share, although I hope I write a little less, LOL It’s todays project ? Smile bright pretty girl ?
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How exciting PB!! Can’t wait to see what your loving hubby bought you from H to celebrate BopTalk? I’ve seen your vast collection over the years on TPF grow and grow and now get to enjoy here as well! You definately have me wanting to move from Chanel lover to Hermes lover! I am considering an H next, dreaming of a K but I’ve never been inside an H store as of yet. Sounds like from your other threads one cannot just walk in and order an H in a color and HW they want. How did you aquire your first B & K, by chance?

  • Pursebop
    Warm welcome greencateyesblue, delighted to have you here with us on BopTalk. Firstly, I must say my heart still belongs to Chanel ❤️. They are such different companies and looks. I think an ideal collection is a mix of the two and others. I love my special edition Chanel pieces, my jumbo’s , my mini’s! I love them all, and each serve a different purpose in my collection. For example, just yesterday evening we went to a new pub in Chicago with a group of friends…taking a Kelly or a Birkin would have been the worst idea imaginable! I took my age old but favorite green patent mini that I comfortably wore cross body and enjoyed a hassle free night because it was patent. A Birkin would have had no place to rest and caused nothing but stress. Hermes is a little trickier, and unless you are extremely lucky I doubt just walking in, it will happen. As discussed by several here on BopTalk, Hermes is about building a relationship with the brand, and in turn your SA. I know that intimidation feeling all to well, but it’s really not that bad. Do you have a friend that you might go in with the first time? My bags have each been ones that my SA has called me in to see as he has my wish list on his fingertips, LOL (at least I hope ☺️) I will link a few excellent reference articles of fellow Boppers from right here for you to peruse. I will come back to answer in more detail again ? Hugs & welcome friend, and I hope to see you bopping all across the pages of Boptalk! Thank you for sharing ;) https://www.pursebop.com/boptalk/topic/falling-in-love-with-hermes https://www.pursebop.com/super-bag-xlviii/ https://www.pursebop.com/boptalk/topic/the-hermes-horseshoe-special-order https://www.pursebop.com/part-hermes-kelly-retrieval/
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Is always exciting reading your posts! I can’t wait to see your new baby!

  • Pursebop
    Thank you my sweet friend, your replies and comments are always so warm and cheerful, Many hugs to you… XO
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