How Do You Get Invited to a Hermès Private Sale?

Dear PurseBop:
How do you get invited to a Hermes private sale? Are you chosen by your home store, by corporate, or randomly? Also, how are private sale locations chosen. I’ve read that private sales are held at different locations in the US and abroad.
Dear Hermès Private Sale Shopper:

Hermès private sales are typically exclusive events that offer select clients the opportunity to purchase items from the brand’s collections at discounted prices. However, the exact criteria for receiving an invitation to a Hermès private sale can vary and is not always publicly disclosed. Private sale invitations are generally extended to Hermès clients who have established a history of purchases and a strong relationship with the brand. The criteria for being invited to a Hermes private sale can vary, but here are some common ways individuals may receive invitations:

  1. Hermès values its loyal clientele. One of the primary ways to get invited to a Hermès private sale is by having a strong and long-standing customer relationship with the brand. Frequent purchases, especially at a specific Hermès boutique, can increase your chances of being invited.
  2. Your home store, where you often shop for Hermès products, plays a significant role in determining whether you receive an invitation. Being a valued customer at a specific boutique or location may increase your chances of receiving an invitation to their private sale events.
  3. The amount and type of items you’ve purchased from Hermès can influence your eligibility for private sale invitations. High-value purchases and purchases in different product categories may make you more likely to receive an invitation.
  4. Some Hermès customers are granted VIP status, which often comes with exclusive invitations to events like private sales. VIP status is typically granted to the brand’s most loyal and high-spending customers.
  5. In some cases, corporate clients and partners may receive private sale invitations through their business relationships with Hermes.
  6. While most invitations are based on several factors, some Hermès private sales may also include a random selection of customers to ensure fairness and inclusivity.

Regarding the locations of Hermès private sales in the US, the brand tends to host these events at various locations across the country. The locations and frequency of these sales can vary from year to year, and they may not always be held in the same cities or regions. It’s best to stay in touch with your local Hermès boutique or consult their official website and customer service for up-to-date information on upcoming private sales and their locations.

Hermes is known for its exclusivity, so not all customers will receive invitations to their private sales, and the specific criteria for invitations may not be publicly disclosed. Building a strong and loyal relationship with the brand, as well as staying connected through their official channels, is the best way to increase your chances of receiving an invitation.

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