Gucci Donates to UNICEF for its Covid Vaccine Rollout Initiative


With the promise of a vaccine around the corner, we have gone from a Covid world, to a world preparing to become a Post Covid world.

Our favorite luxury brands had all stepped up to do their bit during the midst of the crisis. Read: Louis Vuitton Responds to Government’s Call for Non-Surgical Face Masks; Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Prada and 80 Others Unite for a Coronavirus Relief Fundraiser; Louis Vuitton Uses its Perfume Laboratories to Make Hand Sanitizer!

News of luxury brands going above and beyond in these trying times continues to flow in. We have learnt via a recent press release that Gucci is partnering with UNICEF in its commitment to ensure equitable procurement and distribution of the impending Covid 19 vaccine in the ‘most vulnerable communities’ around the world. The brand is donating $500,000 towards the cause and is pledging another $100,000 through its “21 day challenge” calling on the #guccicommunity to contribute to the cause. Gucci will match community contributions made between Dec 5 and Dec 26 2020, dollar for dollar, up to a maximum of $100,000.

“No one is truly free unless we are all free: this also includes being free from sickness – said Marco Bizzarri, President and CEO, Gucci. Now that a COVID-19 vaccine appears to be ready for use, the true challenge is ensuring that it is procured and distributed fairly. This is why, under the “We Are All In This Together” call to action we launched in March, we are today announcing a donation of $500,000 to UNICEF USA, to help in securing COVID-19 vaccines to the world’s most vulnerable communities. Over the next 21 days, everyone is invited to give their donations, large or small, which Gucci will match, up to a maximum of an additional $100,000.

This is a global battle, a global effort – continued Bizzarri – and the commitment also needs to be global.”

According to the press release, Gucci’s donation will help UNICEF operationally roll out the vaccine safely in low and middle income countries. Logistics like cold storage and transportation are all factors that add to costs, which need to be planned and budgeted for. It will also be used to ensure awareness of the importance of the vaccine and encourage the community to want to take it to protect themselves and their loved ones.

So if you are looking for a cause to support this festive season we suggest you visit this link to know more and make your contribution should you feel appropriate.


Photo Credit: Reuters via Tribune India

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