hermes horseshoe

Dear PurseBop: Please Help Me Decide What Special Order To Create

photo courtesy @carina Spring has sprung and summer is next on the

What If Every Handbag Purchase Was a Special Order?

@leoniehanne With all of the fashion focus on sustainability and prevention of

Dear PurseBop, I Don’t Like My Hermès Special Order

One question we are repeatedly asked about Hermès Special Orders is, what

Hermes Special Orders: The Exclusive Horseshoe Club

PurseBop gives you an in depth report on the exclusive Hermes Special Orders. Report includes testimonials and pictures from leading Hermes afcianados.

A Very Special Hermes Delivery

Nine months of waiting brings a bundle of Hermes Joy! BopTalk Celebrity StylishSheba finally reveals her Hermes Special Order Bag.

Hermes Special Order Story from BopTalk Celebrity StylishSheba

Our latest BopTalk Celebrity StylishSheba shares her Hermes Special Order story. Learn about all about the exclusive process and read her choices!


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