BJ Luxury Shares Surprising Insights about Hermès and Chanel Handbags

BJ Luxury has been in the luxury industry since 2007. It has more than a decade of experience in dealing with highly sought after handbags. The company specializes in Hermès and Chanel bags and has a range of both new and used bags available in store at the boutique located within the Orchard shopping district in Singapore. Being one of the pioneers in the pre-owned Hermes bag space in Singapore, BJ Luxury is an extremely trusted brand and has served thousands of satisfied customers over the last 15 years.

Specializing in Hermès Birkin, Kelly and Constance bags, they also carry a wide range of other Hermès models, including the Hermès Lindy, Picotin, Evelyne, Halzan and many more. BJ Luxury also has a fine selection of Chanel bags including the much sought-after Chanel Classic Flap bags.

All items are inspected by expert in-house authenticators and BJ Luxury provides a full money-back guarantee on authenticity. All bags, even from a known source, are authenticated in-house through a rigorous system of checks to ensure buyers can shop with confidence and peace of mind.

What makes shopping a breeze at BJ Luxury is the full concierge service and overseas shipping. Items purchased from the website will be shipped and fully insured with import taxes paid at the destination country. There are no hidden costs at checkout as displayed prices are all-inclusive, based on the shipping country chosen. In most cases, prices are displayed in the local currency of the country chosen.

We sat down with BJ Luxury to discuss our favorite topic…. HANDBAGS! You might be seriously surprised by some of these answers.

1. Have you seen a growth in the availability of Hermès Heritage leathers?

They are so few and far between. We have noticed that it is more difficult to get heritage leathers such as barenia, boxcalf and also discontinued leather such as ardennes lately. There are more collectors now, with growing awareness and affluence, so there are less of such bags in circulation. This adds to the scarcity and exclusivity of Heritage leather bags.

2. What non-quota Hermès bag is in the most demand?

Although it is  not easy to walk-in and purchase from Hermes boutiques, Picotin 18, Mini Evelyne,  Bolide 25 and Halzan 25 are popular, but the Lindy is definitely the bag most in demand after the  Birkin, Kelly or Constance. Mini Lindy and Lindy 26 are some of the most sought-after non-quota  bags. 

3. Which Hermès color is the most popular?

The popularity of a color also determines how well it keeps its value. The classic Hermès shades of gold, etoupe, etain and black are the most requested colors and fetch a premium over other colors.

Pink Sakura and the latest shades of pastels such as Mauve Sylvestre and Gris Perle are also snapped up quickly. We have noticed that some darker seasonal shaded of blues and greens such as the Blue Nuit, Blue Sapphire and Malachite garner a lot of interest.

4. Which Chanel color is the most popular?

Chanel conjures a certain elegance and style and Black Chanel bags epitomize this. Whether a classic flap bag or the more recent Chanel 22 bag, when the bag is in Black, it is more popular. The other shades are more seasonal and might be popular for a shorter period of time only.

5. Are vintage Chanel bags more in demand than present day?

As the profile of Chanel buyers changes, demand for Vintage Chanel bags seems to be on a downward trend. Millennials prefer new bags to keep up with latest trends and relish the idea of unboxing their latest purchase.

6. On social media, there was a trend for lived-in Birkins, are you seeing a demand from your customer base?

Given a choice, most of our customers prefer brand new in box Birkins, so that they can be the first to enjoy the bag and not have to contend with any flaws. However, lived-in Birkins have a more attractive price point. First time buyers tend to look for lived-in Birkins, however, they still need to be in excellent or very good condition. Our customers tend to shy away from bags that look very worn or have major flaws.

Image courtesy W Magazine

7. Are big bags back or is the mini craze still going strong?

Size definitely matters. The mini craze is still very much alive and going strong. Most customers are trading-in their bigger bags for the mini ones. They are even willing to forgo space for their essentials to follow styles and trends. Bigger bags are more likely to be sought-after for a specific purpose such as work or travel.

8. If a client was looking for an investment piece, what would you recommend?

Demand fuels price increases. Classics in neutral shades with gold hardware and durable leathers are always in demand. Hermès Birkin 30 or Kelly 28 in Black, Gold or Etoupe or a Chanel Classic flapbag in Black Caviar leather preferably medium size would make good investment pieces. Exotic Birkin and Kelly bags in small sizes in crocodile and lizard skin also make great investment pieces if purchased at the right time and at the right prices. The condition of the bag is a very big factor in determining resale value. Something that many buyers overlook is the maintenance and storage of these bags after purchasing them. Correct storage and a little TLC every now and then would go a long way in keeping the value of these bags.

9. What is usually a favorite bag for everyday?

A common piece of feedback we receive is “a bag must have space for all my essentials, have ease of access and be comfortable to carry around” An everyday bag must “make me feel beautiful and stylish”. Durability of the leather is also important. Both form and function need to be met by this every day bag. A Black Birkin 25 and Kelly 25 or 30 in Chevre leather would tick all boxes.

Are you looking for a new Hermès Birkin or Chanel Classic flap bag to add to your closet? See all the authentic handbags at

Shop with confidence and no hidden fees anywhere in the world.

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-Love their service, friendly and patient

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-Smooth and transparent transactions

Published: October 29th, 2023
Updated: October 29th, 2023

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