There’s nothing more frustrating than having to track down the exact price of a handbag. Sometimes, this is easy, with brands like Louis Vuitton that most likely have bag prices listed on their website. Other times, it’s a lot more tricky. Hermès stands out as being particularly difficult in this regard, though it’s not uncommon, for example, to have a hard time finding the price of a specific Classic Flap size.
Enter PurseBop’s 2019 encyclopedia for luxury handbag prices. Here, we do the work for you. We’ve compiled the four articles we’ve written since January on some of the most beloved bags of the year with their updated prices. From here on, consider the mystery of Hermès Birkin, Chanel Classic Flap, Fendi Baguette, and LV Capucines prices solved.
The only complete Birkin price guide on the internet right now. That’s right—with the recent price hikes in February, people (us included!) have been having a hard time figuring out exact Birkin prices this year. So we decided to track them all down, for three currencies: the dollar, British pound, and euro.
Aside from knowing exact B prices, if you’re curious to see how much you’d save by buying a Birkin in Europe, this article is a must. We do the handbag math and keep you up to date.
Click here to read the full post.

With what may seem like a near-steady stream of price hikes in recent years, it can be hard to keep a pulse on Chanel prices. (Did you know that in 2010, less than a decade ago, a medium Classic Flap was only $2,850? How times have changed…)
Here we review all seven Chanel Classic Flap sizes and list their prices in USD. All the info’s in one place, just as a reference guide should be.
Click here to read the full post.

The return of a classic! The Fendi Baguette is a cultural symbol, an “It” Bag like no other. When Fendi re-released the Baguette, fashionistas—and Sex and the City fans—all over the world went wild.
In this post, we revisited the Baguette and why it’s so important to the handbag community. Details and prices on new models included.
Click here to read the full post.

In our most recent post, we take a closer look at the bag that has, in only six years, become a Louis Vuitton classic: the elegant Capucines.
LV has collaborated with six artists to produce “ArtyCapucine” bags. Here we explore these limited edition offerings, as well as the staying power of the Capucines itself. Both “arty” and regular prices included.
Click here to read the full post.

Read related articles:
The Encyclopedia of Hermès Bag Sizes
10 Handbag Investment Rules for 2019
A Guide to Black Bags in Every Price Range
Love, PurseBop
Updated: July 22nd, 2019