We hope you are enjoying Memorial Day Weekend, the amazing weather, and maybe even some of the handbag sales! To brighten your mood, we’re announcing our #PurseBopsColorfulChallenge finalists today. For the past week, you all submitted your fun, colorful accessory pictures to the BopTalk threads and shared them on instagram. Our queen of color, BopTalk Celebrity @mylifeincolors_, is sponsoring this week’s prize and is giving away a pair of beautiful earrings from her collection My Life in Colors Jewellery.

Without further ado, I proudly announce #PurseBopsColorfulChallenge Finalists…






Vote for your favorite finalist below! You can vote once every hour for the next two days. The winner will be announced on Wednesday June 1st at 5 pm.
Thanks for participating and showing your support! Congrats to the finalists and we all look forward to finding out the lucky winner.
Love PurseBop
Updated: May 27th, 2017