
The Lucky Hermes Constance

Being offered a Constance is a nearly impossible feat! @Bullies.n.Birkins reveals her Special Order Constance bag.

We Love Our BopTalk Celebrities

Since BopTalk’s launch, we’ve had many special BopTalk celebrities. Let’s recap some standout PurseBop family members!

PurseBop’s Indian Hermes Surprise – Take Two

There’s some Hermes excitement in the air, PurseBop reports live from Delhi & Mumbai…

The Tale of 5 Hermes Clutches

Your full reference guide to all 5 Hermes Clutches – prices and real life comparisons included from BopTalk Celebrity LeOrangeBliss.

Pet Themed #PurseBopPicks dedicated to @LeOrangeBliss and Kokomo

Vote for your favorite furry finalist! This weeks PurseBopPicks is dedicated to Kokomo. Read his story…
