Get your Hermes news highlights in one convenient place!
Hermes reduced prices on some accessories in the US. Find out speculative reasons why, and see specific changes.
Click HERE to read the full post.
Can any bag triumph the Hermes Birkin? Wall Street Journal thinks The Hermes Octogone bag has the potential to reach Birkin status. Review features and pricing information.
Click HERE to read the full post.
PurseBop has recently investigated the Hermes mini craze trying to figure out why tiny Birkins and Kellys are making a statement. Recently, PurseBop joined the Birkin 25 club herself with her new “Koohinor Diamond”. Enjoy the artistic scenic photography.
Click HERE to read the full post.
Hermes has a new digital platform “Hermes MANifeste” dedicated to showcasing menswear pieces. PurseBop had the special privilege of attending the international launch of Hermes MANifeste in Chicago. See exclusive pictures and video coverage from the event.
Click HERE to read the full post.
After a PETA investigation at a crocodile farm in Texas, Jane Birkin demanded her name be taken off of Hermes’ Birkin Bag. Hermes took swift action to respond.
Click HERE to read the full post.
After recent price shifts from big brands like Chanel and Hermes, where and how to shop has been a big topic here on PurseBop. Follow the ultimate shopping tale from France with reveals, pricing information, and narratives. In Chapter 1, we introduce the story of Rita with an in-depth look at Hermes and Chanel price conflicts during the trip.
Click HERE to read the full post.
This week’s @PurseBopPicks challenge is dedicated to your HERMES IN ACTION shots!
Post a shot of ANY of your Hermes bags in action on BopTalk! Still confused what “Hermes in Action” is? It’s easy, simply set up your H baggies in a creative pose, with a scenic backdrop, or anything else you find interesting. Think outside of the box!
Here are more detailed rules:
- Take or use an old picture featuring your Hermes bags in action
- Create an account on BopTalk if you haven’t already and post your picture. Remember to include your IG handle.
- We will feature all pictures from on all of our instagram accounts. Only pictures from BopTalk will be eligible for this week’s contest. However, feel free to share your pictures on instagram and hashtag them to #purseboppicks and #boptalk afterwards.
- Remember these pictures are meant to be fun and informative! Get more involved and make a list of things in your picture for easy reference or describe what’s going on in your picture.
- Keep posting to BopTalk throughout the week. Finalists will be chosen Friday, October 9th. Winner will be determined by Sunday, October 11th at 5 pm. The winning prize will be announced then too, so remember to check back.
Sharing some inspirational eye candy from our PurseBopsPicks family members to get you in the mood to start sharing your Hermes in Action HERE!








Feeling caught up with your Hermes highlights? Look out for our future bulletin notices and…
Stay tuned for chapter two of the #pursebopsinFRANCE series coming soon!
Love PurseBop
Updated: May 18th, 2017